Overview of all HTML elements
As explained in the section on structure of
Wilbur documents, an HTML document consists of two major sections:
HEAD and BODY. Each has its own
permitted elements and requirements.
The elements themselves can also have requirements about where they may occur,
and which elements may occur inside them. This is only important in the
BODY section of a document. In here, elements can be grouped in two
distinct groups: block level and text level
elements. The former make up the document's structure, and the latter
"dress up" the contents of a block. This terminology is explained in
more detail in the HTML Basics section.
The HTML comment is a special case.
Elements for the HEAD section
The HEAD section of a document may only contain the following elements.
If any other elements, or plain text, occurs inside the HEAD section, the
browser should assume the HEAD ends here, and start rendering the
See the syntax rules for an explanation of the
syntax used in the overview.
Elements for the BODY section
The BODY of a document consists of multiple block elements. If plain
text is found inside the body, it is assumed to be inside a paragraph P.
See the syntax rules for an explanation of the
syntax used in the overview.
- H1 - Level 1 header
- H2 - Level 2 header
- H3 - Level 3 header
- H4 - Level 4 header
- H5 - Level 5 header
- H6 - Level 6 header
| Lists
- UL - Unordered list
- OL - Ordered list
- DIR - Directory list
- MENU - Menu item list
- LI - List item
- DL - Definition list
- DT - Definition term
- DD- Definition
Text containers
| Others
- DIV - Logical division
- CENTER - Centered division
- FORM - Input form
- HR - Horizontal rule
- TABLE - Tables
These elements are used to mark up text inside block level elements. Some block
level elements exclude certain text level elements, and some text level elements may
only appear inside specific block level elements. This is documented in
the section on that block level element.
See the syntax rules for an explanation of the
syntax used in the overview.
Logical markup
- EM - Emphasized text
- STRONG - Strongly emphasized
- DFN - Definition of a term
- CODE - Code fragment
- SAMP - Sample text
- KBD - Keyboard input
- VAR - Variable
- CITE - Short citation
| Physical markup
- TT - Teletype
- I - Italics
- B - Bold
- U - Underline
- STRIKE - Strikeout
- BIG - Larger text
- SMALL - Smaller text
- SUB - Subscript
- SUP - Superscript
Special markup
- A - Anchor
- BASEFONT - Default font size
- IMG - Image
- APPLET - Java applet
- PARAM - Parameters for Java applet
- FONT - Font modification
- BR - Line break
- MAP - Client-side imagemap
- AREA - Hotzone in imagemap
| Forms
- CAPTION - Table caption
- TR - Table row
- TH - Header cell
- TD - Table cell

Reference index ~
Wilbur index ~
Tag overview ~
Copyright © 1997 Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet.